We finally got to take our new van on our first road trip to Paramus, NJ during our Nintendo SixtyTOUR! His name is 'Buck' and we also call him 'Rat Van 2500'. He seats 7 and sleeps 3 to 4 comfortably and allows us to play PS2 and watch DVDs. It's an amazing whip for a touring band of starving musicians and we finally got to break her in outside of the state today. Great times were had by all and between last night's Sherman Theater show and today's Paramus VFW mini-festival, we are finally starting the long-overdue Nintendo SixtyTOUR!

Last night was predictably amazing as we entertained upwards to 500 fans with our friends in Split Fifty, Patent Pending, Kelsey & The Chaos, and Survey Says. Thanks to everyone who came out.
Paramus' VFW show today was amazingly put together and other than a veteran picking a fight with Anthony Pending, it was a fun-filled day of rushing to the venue and then waiting for 7 hours. Unfortunately, it marked the final show that Patent Pending will be playing with us on the tour but we went out with a bang during Applebee's Half-off Appetizer's late-night special. They perfectly complimented our over-priced Margaritas and Merlot.
See everyone else soon!
1 comment:
how bout some more pics of Bucky the Rat Van 2500, including some exteriors
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