This first entry to my daily scribe of tour dates seems like its both too early and too late due to some serious complications that have us still in PA right now. I'm currently on Rob's couch right now but let me catch you up and explain what puts me here.
We payed $700 for our van and it was an effing heap of metal, small garbage particals, and dead rats. We also acquired this beast the day that we were supposed to leave for the tours Georgia kickoff. So, its become pretty apparent that we were going to be missing the first date; if not more. But don't underestimate the effect of a little elbow grease and the amazing generosity of a friendly mechanic. We were able to work out a line of credit with Rob's neighbor and amazing mechanic, Mark. He did what we needed to the van for it to be safely driven to our shows and we gave him what we could now and then will patiently wait for us to come back with some more dough.
So, now we were on our way out of the door-- finally! We get a call from our manager that the second of the two remaining shows that are coming up the east coast was canceled by the venue due to... WEATHER?!? I don't know. So, this would mean that we would drive to North Carolina solely for that single show and we would almost definitely be losing an insane amount of money (see above for our current financial situation). So, to sum it up-- once we were able to leave for the tour that we've been hard over for over a month it was no longer in our best interest to start it immediately.
That pretty much brings us to me sitting on a couch. We are waiting back from Joey Rags as he is hard at work trying to salvage the Virginia date by changing the venue. If anyone can do it, he can so stay tuned and hopefully we see all you Virginians tomorrow! If not, we are now more than due to visit all of our friends down the east coast in the very near future.
God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL
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