Part 1 is kind of just an introduction but these last two parts are hands-down some of the best minutes of television I can remember watching. In John Steward We Trust!
Part 2:
Part 3:
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Twittering (Tweeting) Is Easier Than Blogging
Many apologizes for the lack of updates to the blog but it's so much easier to just write one- to two-lined 'tweets' about what I'm up to on Twitter. Definitely follow me on there for more up-to-date information concerning the interesting occurrences of my everyday life. You can find me at To make up for any sense of abandonment that this longer-than-usual break may have caused, here's a Blogspot exclusive picture of me dropping a shit in Michael and Joe Ragosta's bathroom:

So, I've been touring the tri-state area for the last couple of days and then I come home for a week and some change. But we are four shows into the first leg and are having an incredible time. Right now we have a day off in Long Island and are chilling out with our butt-buddies in Patent Pending. They're writing some new songs and they sound amazing. Definitely keep your ear to ground for their new shit to drop this summer. Tomorrow we have a Friday the 13th show in Danbury, CT and my brother and some friends are coming to hang out. Can't wait to play that one. Until next time, follow my ass on Twitter.

So, I've been touring the tri-state area for the last couple of days and then I come home for a week and some change. But we are four shows into the first leg and are having an incredible time. Right now we have a day off in Long Island and are chilling out with our butt-buddies in Patent Pending. They're writing some new songs and they sound amazing. Definitely keep your ear to ground for their new shit to drop this summer. Tomorrow we have a Friday the 13th show in Danbury, CT and my brother and some friends are coming to hang out. Can't wait to play that one. Until next time, follow my ass on Twitter.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Van Rides: $5 and Our Slow But Steady Start

We finally got to take our new van on our first road trip to Paramus, NJ during our Nintendo SixtyTOUR! His name is 'Buck' and we also call him 'Rat Van 2500'. He seats 7 and sleeps 3 to 4 comfortably and allows us to play PS2 and watch DVDs. It's an amazing whip for a touring band of starving musicians and we finally got to break her in outside of the state today. Great times were had by all and between last night's Sherman Theater show and today's Paramus VFW mini-festival, we are finally starting the long-overdue Nintendo SixtyTOUR!

Last night was predictably amazing as we entertained upwards to 500 fans with our friends in Split Fifty, Patent Pending, Kelsey & The Chaos, and Survey Says. Thanks to everyone who came out.
Paramus' VFW show today was amazingly put together and other than a veteran picking a fight with Anthony Pending, it was a fun-filled day of rushing to the venue and then waiting for 7 hours. Unfortunately, it marked the final show that Patent Pending will be playing with us on the tour but we went out with a bang during Applebee's Half-off Appetizer's late-night special. They perfectly complimented our over-priced Margaritas and Merlot.
See everyone else soon!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Nintendo SixtyTOUR: Red Light, Green Light, Red Light

This first entry to my daily scribe of tour dates seems like its both too early and too late due to some serious complications that have us still in PA right now. I'm currently on Rob's couch right now but let me catch you up and explain what puts me here.
We payed $700 for our van and it was an effing heap of metal, small garbage particals, and dead rats. We also acquired this beast the day that we were supposed to leave for the tours Georgia kickoff. So, its become pretty apparent that we were going to be missing the first date; if not more. But don't underestimate the effect of a little elbow grease and the amazing generosity of a friendly mechanic. We were able to work out a line of credit with Rob's neighbor and amazing mechanic, Mark. He did what we needed to the van for it to be safely driven to our shows and we gave him what we could now and then will patiently wait for us to come back with some more dough.
So, now we were on our way out of the door-- finally! We get a call from our manager that the second of the two remaining shows that are coming up the east coast was canceled by the venue due to... WEATHER?!? I don't know. So, this would mean that we would drive to North Carolina solely for that single show and we would almost definitely be losing an insane amount of money (see above for our current financial situation). So, to sum it up-- once we were able to leave for the tour that we've been hard over for over a month it was no longer in our best interest to start it immediately.
That pretty much brings us to me sitting on a couch. We are waiting back from Joey Rags as he is hard at work trying to salvage the Virginia date by changing the venue. If anyone can do it, he can so stay tuned and hopefully we see all you Virginians tomorrow! If not, we are now more than due to visit all of our friends down the east coast in the very near future.
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