Could I have any better of a reason to be, though?
I currently have two and a half more days until I depart my beloved State College apartment for a 10 days getaway; where else? but, home-- sweet home.
Sure, you may be thinking that I'm a lame, homesick little boy. However, I'm confident that my plans while I am home with absolve you of any of those predetermined opinions.
First of all, I look forward to spending the time with my girlfriend, Danielle, my family and friends. Officer John Mroczka has even taken the liberty of scheduling his days off around my vacation home; that's a friend.
The event will also accommodate Pennsylvania breweries like Lancaster, Stoudt's, Tröegs, and Appalachian; creating the perfect segway to my second beer event-- The D&W Beer Tour!
Beyond that, I have plans to revisit my old stopping grounds of Lakeland High School to shoot a photo assignment for my Photojournalism class. That should make for an interesting visit with those who remember me; be it in a positive light or possibly in their nightmares.

Moreover, I'll be just as excited to relax with good people and good food during my Thanksgiving revelry. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, broccoli with cheese, yams, and-- of course, some quality holiday brew.
There will be a possibility of some less than enthralling events in my near future. For instance, my wisdom teeth seem to be showing interest in not being involved in this year's Thanksgiving, if you know what I mean. Whatever. We'll see how it goes.
Keep your eyes out for my pictures and blogs of the two beer events, as I will be in possesion of a Nikon D-80 to capture my experiences and then report back here with my thoughts.
I can't put into words the worth of time spent with family, friends and loved ones. Every year, the holidays fly by and I'm left feeling like I didn't take advantage of them the best that I could, but this year I'm starting early. So...
Happy Holiday,
Brad Beneski
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